This life we all live is sometimes filled with the worst tragedies. Nobody is spared the tragedies of life. Our struggles, circumstances, and hurts are all different but the human condition is shared throughout. Even in the midst of great exuberance we can be struck with complete and utter sadness and hopelessness. No one is safe.
Something I have witnessed though is that in the midst of the worst of trials the best of people can be realized. That we have inside each of us this uncanny ability to survive! When we are faced with insurmountable odds, with a straight death sentence, we can decide to say “fuck it all” and continue living and surviving anyways. It’s inspiring, even as the folds of death turn everything to black, it’s beautiful.
We are nothing but survivors. Our defense mechanisms we carry around with us is proof positive of that. I am humbled by this observance in those around me. Where at times I would have given up, ceased to continue to fight this fight, I continue on. Because to not to, would be a disservice to those that when faced with a death sentence chose to say “fuck it” and continue on.
We have only one life and it is so precious and so frail. Why should we throw it away? Fight! Survive! There is such tragedy in life but as well there is such beauty. I choose to live for that beauty of being a survivor, and especially for those who fought so hard to survive until they just couldn’t anymore.