I stand here paused peering out over
    this precipice of choice
Reveries of you singing through
    my ruptured veins
In chorus with the wind that calls
    me through the trees
Taking my hand to gently guide
    me further onward

No knowledge of what lies beyond
    this forward bend
Each step a defiant act of
    my own faith
Entreats my eyes to a new display
    of dynamic hues
The gentle earth growing forward
    meeting each new step
Trees bowing down in humble
    reverence to shade my path

Your lingering perfumed scent
    courses along my skin
Alighting my spine to the quickening
    of your growing presence
As I tread lightly forth unafraid of
   this unseen curve
Knowing in my soul the expedient truth
    that I will once again
Revel in the sight of your delighted eyes
   When I make my turn